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The Philadelphia Jewish Voice
October 2005 > Food

Tina’s Pretzels

If you make these for company, you might have to hide them from yourself so as not to nibble the whole batch—they are irresistible. All credit goes to Tina Preis, nurse practitioner at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Diabetes Center for Children.

 1 large bag of wide hard pretzels
½ cup olive oil
½ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon lemon pepper
½ teaspoon dried dill
½ packet of Hidden Valley Ranch powdered dip/dressing mix

1.      Mix dry ingredients in small bowl.

2.      Add oil and stir ingredients until smooth.

3.      Break pretzels into bite-size pieces and spread on an ungreased cookie sheet.

4.      Pour oil/spice mixture over pretzels, turning to coat.

5.      Bake at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes total (stir pretzels to recoat at about the 4 minute mark).

Let cool and enjoy!